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Pest control services, DIY Environmental Health, How To Get Rid Of Rats, Mice & Roaches

Updated on July 19, 2017

Slight rat problem ?

Getting rid of unwanted pests such as rats, mice and roaches.

Pest control services control the spreading of fatal diseases amongst humans. Many pests intervene in human harmony and if not dealt with efficiently can have a detrimental effect on lives and health.

Pest control interrupts rapid breeding cycles and works in conjunction with environmental health organisations to eliminate pest problems.

The group defined as pests incorporates rats, mice and all land mammals which cause destruction and spread disease; stinging, biting, and flying insects of all descriptions.

What is environmental health?

Environmental health is the government department which is concerned with all natural and built environments that may have a detrimental effect on human health.

Public health inspectors and environmental health officers are dedicated public servants whose job description is to detect possible dangerous environmental issues and to act on them.

Pest control rats

Rats are one of the most common pests found in urban areas in every country. Attracted by the vast waste mountains that humans amass in built up areas, rats are never more than 9 feet away from a human at any one time.

Rats are rodents, and species of rat include the brown rat, referred to as the sewer rat, common rat, Norwegian rat, or the wharf rat. The black rat, kangaroo rats, bandicoot rats and the North American pack rats amongst many others.

Breeding habits

Rats breed at a phenomenal rate. A female rat can produce upwards of five litters per year with fifteen rats per litter. Gestation period for rats is only 21 days. Young rats can breed within five weeks of birth.

If mass extinction of a family of rats have occurred, the rats will increase their reproduction rates to restore their numbers over several months. Rat infestations can occur very quickly once a single pregnant female rat has entered a building.

Signs of Infestation

The first signs that an infestation have already taken place are rat droppings within a home or building, chewed boxes and gnaw marks in the house. Rats may also chew electric cables causing household fires

Rats would normally stay below ground, but their numbers during an infestation require more food sources. This is when they venture into homes or buildings to seek extra nourishment. At this point the chances of having over fifty rats under the floorboards, in the celler or the attic of a home are usual.

Rat removal

How to get rid of rats. Pest control companies will lay poison in small containers near or on rat runs. The poisoned rats will die in their lair and will be eaten by the other rats.

Rat traps are also used, but if the rat has its tail or a limb caught in the trap, they will chew them off to get away. The injured rat is usually set upon by its own family as a food source. Poison is the usual and more effective method for reducing rat populations.

Humane rat traps will trap the rat alive and uninjured. It is then released into the wild. This is a slow way of capturing rats and the population of the rat infestation will not diminish.

Rat holes can be sealed up and poison spread around the area to trap the rats inside their domain in a bid to force them to eat each other.

Pest control cockroaches, roaches

How to get rid of roaches. Cockroaches are one of the most hardiest insects in urban areas. Getting rid of roaches is not an easy task. There are over 4500 species of roaches in the world although only about 30 species are found in the average home or commercial premises.

Tropical cockroaches can reach to nearly 3 inches in length, whereas the usual household variety are 1.2 inches long. They can survive from being under water for 45 minutes and can live off the glue from a postage stamp. T

he allergens cockroaches carry have been linked to asthma in humans. They can carry an arsenal of diseases which can or will infect humans, especially the elderly and the young.

Breeding habits

Cockroaches can expect to live for only one year, although they have been known to survive for up to four years. Each female can lay between 300 - 400 eggs in a year. Some roaches lay eggs in small holes around the home, whilst some species carry their eggs on the outside of the body. Some species carry their eggs inside their own body until they hatch.

Cockroach removal

Diatomaceous earth is one of the best known cockroach eliminators on the market. Pest control companies will spread this white powder around the home. It is harmless to humans but is excellent for killing roaches as long as it is kept dry.

Diatomaceous earth, also known as diatomite and kieselgur, will also kill bedbugs and other insects.

Free Link to: How to get rid of fleas

Diatomaceous earth is also excellent for ridding a home of FLEAS & BEDBUGS

The Mosquito

The humble mosquito is in every home around the world. Shifting weather conditions allow this pest to multiply rapidly. This insect is responsible for one human death nearly every 30 seconds around the world.

Malaria is carried by this little menace as well as blow fly eggs. Malaria claims over 3 million lives a years. Make no mistakes, this bug is dangerous, especially to infants. Most bites result in itchy skin and slight inflammation. But it can all change if a single mosquito has the Malaria bug. They also carry other parasites and viruses.

Breeding habits

Mosquitoes will breed in any still water. If the water is moving they will not lay their eggs there. Old pot, saucers or even crisp packets left out to the elements may have mosquito eggs within two days. Stagnant water is a magnet to female mosquitoes for egg laying opportunities.

Mosquito repellents.

There are many mosquito repellents on the market. The CDC ( Centre for Disease Control and Prevention ) recommends and repellents with Picaridin. Many mosquito repellents will work with certain species of mosquito's, but there are over 3500 species of mosquito in the world.

Oil of eucalyptus is a natural mosquito repellent. Dragonflies and bats eat thousands of mosquito's every evening and through the night. Some repellents come in the form of sprays which may wear off after a while but are easy to apply and virtually odourless. Creams and lotions may last longer but can leave slight smear marks and a greasy skin.


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